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Garden Consultancy

Garden Consultancy offers clients a combination of design input, pruning techniques, maintenance help and planting suggestions. Whether it is about a specific project, seeking advice on the plans they have for their garden or for ideas to freshen up an area of the garden.


A garden advice visit is also ideal for someone who needs help with what and when needs attention in the garden eg specific pruning techniques and timings, plant division and general plant health advice. Suitable plants and plant combinations can be suggested to achieve the desired look you are after and  to provide interest in different seasons. A simple garden maintenance plan can also be produced




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Follow Up


Following a planting project, visits can be arranged in conjunction with the client by doing monthly, quarterly or annual visits and organising extra bulbs and annuals for seasonal interest.


Sometimes there are specific jobs that need to be done every year such as rose, wisteria and shrub pruning and practical advice. One to one tuition in your own garden can be a lot more helpful than reading up on the subject! 


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Full Planting Scheme Service

It is important to start with a consultation visit to discuss what you expect and want from you garden and your budget. You might be looking to plant new borders or just refresh existing ones to bring out the full potential of your garden.


Stunning planting combinations are only achieved through a blend of design skills along with the horticultural knowledge needed to produce a plan that gives a balance of architectural shapes, texture and colour, creating interest throughout the seasons.


Planting plans, plant lists and maintenance plans are included and I can provide delivery and planting or this can be organised by the client

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Gardening Tools

Stage 1

The first step is to survey the area, taking measurements of the planting beds and photographs of the garden. Soil samples can be taken to identify the soil type, the aspect noted and amount of light enabling us to choose the right plants for the site. 

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