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Wisteria Pruning

We are now coming to the end of wisteria pruning so if you haven't already done so then now is the perfect time to tackle and winter prune your wisteria, a job I really love doing! I have been doing all of our since the middle of January and so now all finished! Time to cut back the long shoots made during the summer to two or three buds. Wisteria should always be pruned twice a year and these long tangly shoots should have been cut back at some point during late summer to about 30 cms long as it is the summer prune that restricts this long leafy growth and diverts energy into making flower buds further down the stem.

You can see from the picture above that I am cutting each stem back hard to two or three buds to try and encourage short flowering spurs. I have also removed any dead spurs or branches and checked that the branches are all tied in and support still in place. As this wisteria is now about 10 years old and we are happy with the shape we don't need any new branches tied in. In the case of a young wisteria you would keep tying in any new long and healthy branches horizontally until you have reached the final shape and size you are after.

The finished wisteria......

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